a. What sort of help is provided?

Help can range from grants for the provision of various items that are not available by statutory provision.

Grants can range from additional necessary furnishings, travel expenses, educational aids to a contribution towards the expenses of recuperative holidays. Grants are also made from time to time to institutions and organisations established for the care of people who are sick and on low income.

b. What does poor mean?

The Trustees define this as people in receipt of statutory means assessed benefits whose benefits do not cover the cost of their needs and people on low income.

c. Are there areas for which the Charity will not give a grant?

Payment of Council tax, other taxes, other public funds or payment of debts. No commitment will be made to recurring grants.

d. What does sick mean?

People suffering from any form of illness either medium term or long term.

e. Agencies-How do I apply?

If you are an applying agency, please ensure you have downloaded our new updated application form. This can be downloaded on our website.